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Our Weekly
Schedule of Events


Open Gym Monday:

WEAR athletic shoes


1-A and 1-B  PE:

WEAR athletic shoes



Nothing Noted





Nothing Noted



Parent Information Night at 7pm



Nothing Noted


Hello Families and First Graders,


This upcoming week will be the first week for students to complete homework.  Math Facts will be practiced in class THIS week in order for students to be more prepared to complete them for independent homework next week.


Homework packets will be given on Tuesday.  Students take home their Homework Folders each afternoon and bring them back to school every morning.  Does my child bring their completed homework back to school every day? ABSOLUTELY!  Your child returns to school their completed homework in their Homework Folder EVERY DAY.  We review homework with our buddies each day to give them teaching and teamwork opportunities.


So parents have a choice, we provide links for Renweb and for our own First Grade Family web site.  It’s up to you which site you would like to access for updated information.

Also, please use a marker to write your child’s name in their clothing so we know who to return the item when we find them.  You will be amazed as to how many sweaters are missing by Thanksgiving.  Thanks!

We love First Grade!

Peace Be With You!

Welcome First Graders and Families!

Welcome to First Grade at St. Francis of Assisi School!  First grade is an incredible year of change for your child as they move from Kindergarten and into an environment of increased academic challenges and more responsibilities.  Please explore this web site as it will answer many of the questions you may have about our first grade year together.  Our web site is typically updated on Fridays so don't forget to bookmark it so you will have the most current information pertaining to curriculum, information, and events.

First Grade at

St. Francis of Assisi

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