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This Week's Liturgy


Enjoy the incredible questions and discussions reflecting our weekly liturgy presented by Sadlier.  You will also find many amazing activities that you and your child will like to explore.





Our Spiritual Life


The focus of our religion curriculum is to learn how Jesus teaches us about God’s love, the ways we are followers of Jesus, how we belong to the Church, and the many ways we celebrate and live our faith.  Sacraments are introduced and prayers learned include the Sign of the Cross, the Glory Be, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Hail Mary.


Archdiocese of Seattle Catholic Schools


Six Tasks of Catechesis and Anchor Standards


1.  Knowledge of Faith


Students will explore, profess, and reflect on our Catholic faith, which is the content of God’s revelation found in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition and lived out in the Creed and Church doctrine.


2.  Liturgical Education


Students will recognize the presence of Christ and enter into communion with Him through active, full and conscious participation in the Liturgical celebrations and Sacraments of the Church.


3.  Moral Formation


Students will develop a moral conscience that is informed by Church teachings and conformed to Christ, as modeled in a personal life of virtue and demonstrated in service of the Gospel’s demands for society.


4.  Learning to Pray


Students will experience and engage in Catholic expressions of prayer to deepen their relationship with God and the Church.


5.  The Life, Community, and History of the Church


Students will study and participate in the life and mission of the church, the Body of Christ and the community of believers, as expressed in the Church’s origin, history, ecclesiology, the Communion of Saints and their family, the domestic church.


6.  Missionary Spirit and Service


Students will acquire and demonstrate skills to recognize their gifts from God and their vocation to share the good News of Jesus Christ in word and deed in the world.

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