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This is a place where families and friends can peruse and understand the various ways they can provide support in our classrooms. For example, when 1-A needs something in particular, Miss Paris will post that need and families or friends can respond by sending her an email.  Be sure to document your time for Community Service hours. They do add up quickly!  WooHoo!


Volunteer Opportunities:


Literacy Center Support:

1-A and 1-B: Families or friends provide support during Literacy Centers. Center time allows students the opportunity to strengthen skills that are taught in the classroom. Students will focus on reading, writing, math, listening, computer, and word building skills. Your teacher will conduct Guided Reading Groups with students during this time. We truly would not be able to effectively run our groups without your help. Look at your teacher’s calendar by clicking on the link and check for available times to provide support in the classroom. Email your teacher and she will add your first name to your requested time on the public calendar.  Please look at the entry Literacy Center Support Guidelines for additional information.


Room Parent: Helps coordinate celebrations and/or class activities


Auction Procurement: Manages the class auction procurements


Auction Project: Helps students create a beautiful project to sell at the auction

Volunteer Opportunities

for First Grade

Volunteer Page




Able to volunteer in the classroom and be a part of our teaching team:

Volunteers who can provide classroom support during the daytime:


1.  Literacy Centers:


Monday:  8:55-9:55

Tuesday:  1:30-2:40

Wednesday:  8:55-9:55

Thursday:  12:15-1:15


2.  Room Parent (may be shared)


3.  Auction Project Coordinator


4.  Copying:

Thursdays:  2:00-3:00


5.  Crossing Guard:


Every other Tuesday

8:05-8:25 AM


Don't forget to submit your Seattle Archdiocese Background Check form with the school office ASAP.



Unable to volunteer in the classroom:

Volunteers who may be working and are unable to volunteer in the classroom and would like a job to complete at home.


1.  Tearing out pages from math textbooks.

     -  There are 12 chapters with appx. 5-6 lessons for each chapter in our new math series. There is a Practice/Homework page for each lesson that needs to be torn out from all texts and clipped together.


2.  Auction Procurement Coordinator

How to Respond


Please email your teacher if you would like to volunteer or if you are not able to be in the classroom during your scheduled time.  Thanks so much!





Able to volunteer in the classroom:

Volunteers who can provide classroom support during the daytime:


1.  Literacy Centers:


Monday:  12:05-1:15

Tuesday:  8:45-9:55

Wednesday:  12:05-1:15

Thursday:  12:05-1:15


2.  Room Parent (may be shared)


3.  Auction Project Coordinator


4.  Crossing Guard:


Every other Monday

8:13-8:30 AM


Don't forget to submit your Seattle Archdiocese Background Check form with the school office ASAP.



Unable to volunteer in the classroom:

Volunteers who may be working and are unable to volunteer in the classroom and would like a job to complete at home.


1.  Tearing out pages from math textbooks.

     -  There are 12 chapters with appx. 5-6 lessons for each chapter in our new math series. There is a Practice/Homework page for each lesson that needs to be torn out from all texts and clipped together.


2.  Auction Procurement Coordinator



Literacy Center Volunteer Guidelines

Reading Center:    

-  Students read decodable reader and complete story review.    

-  Please help students focus on writing complete sentences for

   their responses to questions.


Word Building Center:

-  Students complete a word building packet.    

-  Students may need assistance with reading directions.    

-  Remind students to use their best penmanship.


Writing Center:

-  Students complete a writing packet.    

-  Students may need help with unscrambling sentences

   (give them clues).    

-  Remind students to use their best penmanship.  

-  Students may have difficulty thinking of ideas to use for writing

   “strong” sentences and you  can guide them with a few ideas.    

-  The focus should be on writing the sentence first and then going

   back to edit and make corrections.


Math Center:    

-  Students complete Mountain Math and may need assistance.

   Mountain Math is a  progressive building of skills that is found

   on the bulletin board above the center.    

-  After completing Mountain Math sheet, students will complete a

   math packet that includes review from lessons learned the prior week.  

-  Students can do activities in math binders, use manipulatives and

   flash cards to practice  problems and concepts.


Computer Center:    

-  Students will initially need help logging onto the computer and

   into Raz-Kids and/or Lexia.    

-  There is are occasional problems with volume control

   and computer freezes.


Additional Information


-  Whenever possible, use a peer to teach a peer a

   specific skill or response to a question; for example, if

   one student does not know how to turn on their computer,

   ask group peers who know how to do this to guide that

   student on how to turn on/log in to their computer.    


-  Students should raise their hand to request your

   assistance and wait for you to go to them for help.    


-  Please help all students and not just your child.

   Students will have many questions and they truly

   appreciate your help.    


-  BATHROOMS Tips:  Students use the restroom following

   recess prior to center time, so most students will not

   need to use the restroom until the next recess. Some

   students will be in a hurry and not use the restroom, and

   others will test you by just asking because someone else

   asked. When a student asks to use the restroom, ask

   them if they can wait until recess. If they say, “No”, go

   ahead and let them use the restroom.  IF IN DOUBT,

   send the student to ask their teacher.

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